한국 10대 그룹 해외중요사항 선행조사

2025년 3월 9일 (일)
* 선행조사 8시간 후 결과
최근 24시간 이내 뉴스

Shield AI, 240 milyon dolarlık yeni yatırım turunu tamamlayarak şirketin değerlemesini 5,3 milyar dolara yükseltti. L3Harris ve Hanwha Aerospace gibi önemli...
- Hendek Web Haber

Xếp hạng sức mạnh 5 đội tuyển góp mặt tại giải đấu First Stand 2025 LOL. Nội dung chính. Ẩn / Hiện. Hạng 1 - Hanwha Life Esports; Hạng 2 - TOP Esports...
- Thể Thao 247

شركة Hanwha الكورية الجنوبية تنشر مقطع فيديو يظهر مدافع K9EGY الخاصة بمصر ...لبنان برس بي موقع الدفاع العربي 7 مارس، 2025: نشرت شركة...
- برس بي

موقع الدفاع العربي 7 مارس، 2025: نشرت شركة “هانوا” (Hanwha) الكورية الجنوبية مقطع فيديو يظهر مدفع K9EGY الخاص بمصر. النسخة المصرية من K9 ستؤدي أيضًا أدوار...
- موقع الدفاع العربي

Since the beginning of this year, the stock prices of defense and shipbuilding stocks have risen, with the stock prices of Hanwha Aerospace, Hanwha Ocean,...
- Chosun Biz

South Korea's Hanwha Aerospace has made an equity investment in Shield AI, a U.S.-based defense technology startup specializing in artificial...
- The Korea News Plus

지난 뉴스

Hanwha Vision, globálny poskytovateľ riešení v oblasti videodohľadu, zverejnil svoju prognózu hlavných trendov v tomto odvetví na rok 2025...
- CANEX Security Blog

240 milyon dolarlık F serisi yatırım turunun katılımcıları arasında ise L3Harris, Hanwha Aerospace ve şirketin mevcut yatırımcıları arasında yer alan...
- Webrazzi

Hanwha Philly Shipyard marca un hito al colocar la quilla del último buque NSMV, esencial para la formación de futuros marineros en EE. UU.
- Información Logística

Hanwha construction initiates significant upgrades to sewage management in Pyeongtaek's underground facilities. By. Park ji-youn. Published 2025.03.07.
- Chosun Biz

Hanwha AeroSpace Co Ltd, anciennement Hanwha Techwin Co Ltd, est une société coréenne principalement engagée dans la production et la vente d'équipements de...
- Zonebourse

HLE LOL là đội tuyển nào? Tiểu sử, lịch sử thành lập, thành tích và đội hình Hanwha Life Esports LMHT.
- Thể Thao 247

TOTE Services and Hanwha Philly Shipyard have celebrated a shipbuilding milestone with the keel laying of the fifth and final vessel in the U.S. National...
- Naval Today

Vietnam turns to Hanwha Aerospace as it looks to reduce reliance on Russian military systems.
- Shephard Media

Senatorul Radu Ștefan Oprea, fost ministru al Economiei a anunțat joi, 6 martie, că Hanwha Aerospace, companie industrială aerospaţială cu sediul în Coreea...
- Adevarul

Hanwha Aerospace, companie industrială aerospaţială cu sediul în Coreea de Sud, va construi o fabrică în România, unde va produce obuziere, a anunțat joi...
- Antena 3 CNN

Những thông tin cần biết về Hanwha Life Esports (HLE), đội tuyển LMHT khu vực LCK.
- Sporting News

„Hanwha, compania coreeană care va furniza obuzierele K9 „Tunet” pentru armata română, nu se va limita doar la livrarea acestor echipamente, ci va investi...
- Mediafax

Hanmi, Hanwha clash over $1.5B HBM TC bonder market Hanmi Semiconductor, a South Korean chip equipment maker specializing in high-bandwidth memory HB.
- 조선일보

Las cámaras fijas de 5MP de la serie Q AI de Hanwha utilizan inteligencia artificial para la detección de color de objetos y atributos.
- Cuadernos de Seguridad

- 压缩机网

TOTE Services, LLC and Hanwha Philly Shipyard, Inc. marked a milestone in U.S. shipbuilding with the keel laying of the fifth…
- Marine News Magazine

Hanwha Ocean announced on the 6th that it will embark on large-scale talent recruitment to establish new growth engines. Hanwha Ocean, which has appointed...
- Chosun Biz

Discover Hanwha Vision's 4K AI bullet camera with Wisenet Road AI, offering advanced traffic intelligence, vehicle recognition, and smart city integration...
- Security Informed

Young Poong, MBK sue Korea Zinc Chairman Choi over low-priced Hanwha shares sale The alliance of Young Poong and MBK Partners, which is in conflict w.
- Chosun Biz

韓国造船所は2024年、米海軍艦艇の建造とMRO(メンテナンス・修理・オーバーホール)事業で協力準備を具体化させることに成功した。 ハンファオーシャンは同年以降、米...
- 日本海事新聞 電子版

Hanwha Vision simplifica la gestión de vídeo con Wisenet Wave VMS 6.0. Hanwha Vision Wisenet VMS 6. バージョン 6.0 de Wisenet Wave VMS de ハンファビジョン...
- Digital Security Magazine

Hanwha Aerospace has begun upgrading the payload fairing of South Korea's Nuri rocket to make it viable for commercial satellite launches.

Hanwha Defence Australia oficiálně předala australské armádě první dvě samohybné houfnice AS9 Huntsman ráže 155 mm a jedno obrněné vozidlo pro přepravu...
- Armádní noviny

Recently, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries and Hanwha Ocean reached an agreement to form a one team initiative for their defense export business,...
- Chosun Biz