Una investigación de Hanwha Vision Europe revela una alarmante desconexión entre la confianza de los usuarios en la protección de sus sistemas de vídeo...
Корейська Hanwha Aerospace відправила до Норвегії нову партію самохідних гаубиць K9 VIDAR. У пресслужбі компанії повідомили «Мілітарному», що у партію...
Obuzierul autopropulsat (SPH) K9 Thunder de 155 mm va fi produs în România de compania din Coreea de Sud Hanwha Aerospace, a declarat Peter J K Bae,...
17 grudnia południowokoreańska firma Hanwha Aerospace poinformowała w komunikacie prasowym, że wysłała nową partię 4 armatohaubic K9 i 8 artyleryjskich...
Hanwha Aerospace today announced it had shipped a fresh batch of four K9 Self-Propelled Howitzers and eight K10 Ammunition Resupply Vehicles to Norway,...
Obuzierul autopropulsat K9 Thunder de 155 mm va fi produs în România de compania sud-coreeană Hanwha Aerospace. Cel mai mare contractor de apărare din...
Compania sud-coreeana Hanwha Aerospace intentioneaza sa construiasca o fabrica in Romania pentru productia de sisteme de artilerie autopropulsate K9 Thunder...
Południowokoreańska spółka Hanwha Aerospace wysłała do Norwegii partię czterech 155-mm haubic samobieżnych K9 VIDAR wraz z ośmioma wozami amunicyjnymi K10.
Obuzierul autopropulsat (SPH) K9 Thunder de 155 mm va fi produs în România de compania din Coreea de Sud Hanwha Aerospace, anunță presa italiană. Peter J.
Hanwha Aerospace has shipped a new batch of military equipment to Norway, consisting of four K9 Self-Propelled Howitzers and eight K10 Ammunition Resupply...
Hanwha Aerospace, the defense arm of South Korea's Hanwha Group, announced on Dec. 16 it appointed Michael Coulter, former president of global defense firm...
South Korea's Hanwha Aerospace announced on Dec. 17 that it had shipped four K9 Self-Propelled Howitzers and eight K10 Ammunition Resupply Vehicles to...
Hanwha Ocean Co Ltd, ehemals Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd, ist ein in Korea ansässiges Unternehmen, das hauptsächlich im Schiffbau und in...
Hanwha Investment & Securities analyzed on the 17th that Samsung Electronics will need time for a stock price rebound. The target stock price was lowered...
South Korea's largest defense contractor, Hanwha Aerospace, is looking to establish its first production line in Europe. Its subsidiary is already scouting...
Hanwha Group announced on the 16th that it has donated 4 billion won to the Community Chest of Korea for neighbor assistance in celebration of the year-end.
La società sudcoreana Hanwha Aerospace ha in programma la costruzione di un impianto per la produzione del K9 Thunder in Romania, che entrerà in funzione...
Das südkoreanische Unternehmen Hanwha Aerospace plant den Bau eines Werks für die Produktion von K9 Thunder in Rumänien, das 2025 in Betrieb gehen soll.