IBM is advancing rapidly in the field of quantum computing, aiming to solve complex problems much faster than classical computers. The company is enhancing...
Welch Group LLC meningkatkan posisinya di saham, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN – – Laporan GRATIS) sebesar 2,8% selama kuartal ke -4, menurut pengajuan 13F...
Amazon's “Ocelot” chip introduces a breakthrough in quantum computing, inspired by the efficiency and elegance of the wild cat. “Cat qubits” offer a novel... Rakyat Merdeka - Pemerintah terus berupaya memperkuat daya saing digital. Sebagai bagian dari strategi tersebut, Pemerintah mengundang perusahaan...
Theo Fortune, công ty điện toán đám mây Amazon Web Services (AWS) - công ty con của “gã khổng lồ” bán lẻ trực tuyến Amazon, vừa ra mắt một chip máy tính...
La colaboración con la controvertida empresa de inteligencia artificial Suno podría transformar el consumo de música o iniciar una nueva guerra por los...
Cisco Systems Inc. is poised for breakthroughs that may influence its stock valuation. AI integration could enhance their product portfolio and operational...
أعلنت شركة أمازون (Amazon) عن تسريح بعض الموظفين في وحدة وندري Wondery للبودكاست التابعة لها المعروفة بإنتاج برامج ناجحة مثل دكتور ديث «Dr. Death» وبيزينيس... cut "a small number" of jobs at its Wondery podcast unit, known for "Dr. Death" and "Business Wars," the company said in a statement to Reuters...
David Farr, Vorstandsmitglied bei International Business Machines Corp (NYSE:IBM), hat am 28.02.2025 1.200 Stammaktien des Unternehmens zu einem Preis von...
Корпорация IBM объявила о завершении сделки по покупке компании HashiCorp, занимающейся разработкой инструментариев Vagrant, Packer, Hermes, Nomad и ...
Дэвид Фарр, директор International Business Machines Corp (NYSE:IBM), недавно приобрел 1 200 акций компании. Сделка, состоявшаяся 28 февраля 2025 года,...
Las restricciones de las gigantes tecnológicas a los contenidos para adultos están paralizando a las empresas y organizaciones dedicadas a la salud sexual,...