Am 27. Februar hat das Cloud-Computing-Unternehmen Amazon Web Services (AWS), eine Tochtergesellschaft des Online-Einzelhandelsgiganten Amazon, gerade einen...
Компания Amazon представила свой первый квантовый чип Ocelot, разработанный в Калифорнийском технологическом институте. Компания утверждает, что новая...
Amazon готов к значительному росту с интеграцией ИИ в свои операции. Расширение ИИ в логистике и управлении цепочками поставок может повысить эффективность...
La empresaria granadina, vicepresidenta de Marketing y Prime Tech para Norteamérica en Amazon, atiende a GranadaDigital antes de recibir la Medalla de...
O POCO M7 5G está programado para ser lançado na Índia em 3 de março. O smartphone levará o chipset Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 da Qualcomm. A empresa agora revelou...
Samsung and Arm are working on 6G cellular tech, expected to have data speeds up to 1TB/s. Now Qualcomm just announced it aims to standardize 6G in 2025,...
تخطط شركة ميتا، مالكة "فيسبوك" و"إنستغرام" و"واتساب"، لإطلاق تطبيق مستقل لمساعدها المعتمد على الذكاء الاصطناعي "Meta AI" بدلًا من إتاحته حاليًا عبر تطبيقاتها.
УНН News of the World ✎ Meta plans to launch an autonomous AI application in the second quarter of the year. The company is also considering the possibility...
Meta, the tech giant led by Mark Zuckerberg, has fired around 20 employees for leaking confidential company information. The Verge reported the development,...
Meta has reportedly terminated the employment of 20 employees for leaking confidential company information. The dismissals come amid a wave of reports...
A Meta spokesperson is quoted as saying employees are told when they join, alongside periodical reminders, that it is against the company's policies to leak...
Around a month after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg complained about company leaks, roughly 20 employees have been fired for allegedly leaking confidential...
Mark Zuckerberg announced sweeping changes to Meta's content moderation policies governing Facebook and Instagram just weeks before Donald Trump takes...
It was reported late yesterday that Meta AI will soon become one of the social media company's standalone apps, joining Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.
Por mais que a Meta AI esteja presente em todos os produtos da empresa, como Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Threads e WhatsApp, a empresa controlada por...
A empresa Meta de Mark Zuckerberg pediu desculpas depois de um mau funcionamento do algoritmo do Instagram ter submetido os utilizadores a vídeos com...